For rent from 01.04.2025 outdoor parking space located at rue du Lac 130-132 in Clarens.
Monthly rent CHF 100.0 excluding taxes.
APPLICATIONS (required documents):
- registration form on request ()
- copy of identity card / residence permit B or C
- copy of the last 3 pay slips / income certificate
- extract from the recent prosecution office
Send by email or post to: PRIVERA SA, Chemin du Viaduc 1, Case postale, 1000 Lausanne 16 or
Monthly rent CHF 100.0 excluding taxes.
APPLICATIONS (required documents):
- registration form on request ()
- copy of identity card / residence permit B or C
- copy of the last 3 pay slips / income certificate
- extract from the recent prosecution office
Send by email or post to: PRIVERA SA, Chemin du Viaduc 1, Case postale, 1000 Lausanne 16 or