
4143 Dornach
11 m²

craft and hobby rooms - storage

In the Apfelssequartier we have several craft rooms for rent
Since these are in residential buildings, they may not be used as party rooms.

immediately or by arrangement

11m2 = 120.00 CHF
12m2 = 130.00 CHF

with washbasin, socket, radiator and general toilet

For a viewing, you can call our caretaker Mr. Gysin, Tel. 061 / 701 46 95 during normal office opening hours.

Further information

11 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1982
Available on request
Reference 1400.03.5791



Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit

This property is proposed by

Solothurnerstrasse 35
4053 Basel