Quality furnished office space of 190 sqm in the heart of the PAV.
Premises ideally located in the heart of the Praille district.
spg partner, your specialist in commercial real estate.
Premises ideally located in the heart of the Praille district.
- Easily accessible from major roads
- Public transport nearby: tram 15, 17 and bus 11, 21, 22, 23, 44 and 45
- La Praille shopping center in the immediate vicinity
- Quality furnished offices of 190 sqm
- Bright premises
- 1 truck loading dock
- 2T freight elevator
- Ceiling height of 2.5m
- Sanitary blocks and shared kitchen
- In addition, 130 sqm warehouse with stair access only
spg partner, your specialist in commercial real estate.
- Peripheral Cabling
- Finish: Furnished
- Bathroom
- Kitchen
- Blinds