Associés courtiers SA

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CHF 625'000.-

1020 Renens VD

1020 Renens VD, Réf Renens

Ideally located in the western part of Lausanne in the commune of Renens, this industrial building for sale is a must for any company looking to expand. It benefits from a privileged, fast-growing location in the immediate vicinity of the SBB station, a bus route to Renens town centre, shops, the motorway and all service providers.

Layout :

Property with a beautiful commercial surface area of 75 m2 with a small kitchen and a WC/washbasin. This space is currently let and offers a great investment opportunity for any individual looking for a stable long-term return.

Lower ground floor: 75 m2
Square - Garden

Selling price : CHF 625,000

We can also help you find the necessary financing. Associés Courtiers SA is completely independent of financial institutions, which enables us to find you the best financing for your investment with complete impartiality. For further information, please contact Associés Courtiers SA.

Further information

Ground floor
Built in 1954
Available on request
Reference Renens


Has wheelchair access


Public transport
41m - 1 min
21m - 1 min
Nursery school
47m - 1 min
Secondary schools
84m - 2 min


Calculate your travel times

    This property is proposed by

    Associés courtiers SA
    Rue William-Haldimand 17
    1003 Lausanne

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