Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl

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Residential building

CHF 2'200'000.-

2900 Porrentruy

Ideal location for this lot of 12 efficiency apartments

High potential for this lot of two investment properties with six apartments each, located just a few minutes' walk from the SBB train station as well as the city center.

Ideally positioned for tenants to benefit from reduced commutes.

Large outdoor green squares and the quiet dead-end street are a delight for families.

Don't hesitate, come and see it quickly!

Accessibility: Porrentruy is just . away by car;

    • 20 minutes from Delémont
    • 30 minutes from the TGV station at Belfort
    • 50 minutes from Biel

1:00 from Basel1:20 from Neuchâtel

2:15 from Lausanne

Further information

1564 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference VP-130624


Children friendly


Public transport
162m - 4 min
245m - 5 min
Nursery school
165m - 4 min
Primary schools
1613m - 33 min
Secondary schools
395m - 8 min


Calculate your travel times

    This property is proposed by

    Neuschwander Immobilier Sàrl
    Maltière 7
    2800 Delémont

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    To visit

    Contact Benjamin Neuschwander

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