RE/MAX Immobilien in Lausanne

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Single house

CHF 2'135'000.-

1568 Portalban
300 m²

Discover the Loft Chabrey, an architectural masterpiece inspired by...

Immerse yourself in a world where a love of the sea shapes every detail. Designed by an owner with a passion for sailing, this unique loft captures the essence of classic boats with flooring reminiscent of a ship's deck and integrated portholes for soft lighting and a maritime ambiance.

Located 3 km from Portalban, in the peaceful village of Chabrey, this loft offers a modern, open-plan living space with a central industrial-style kitchen, ideal for entertaining. Large floor-to-ceiling windows seamlessly blend the interior with the exterior, offering stunning views of the lake.

The loft includes three bedrooms, two luxurious bathrooms, and a separate office. The living room and master suite boast exceptional views, providing a constant visual connection with the surrounding nature.

With high-quality finishes and meticulous attention to detail, this loft is more than just a place to live: it's an invitation to daily escape. Four parking spaces and a double garage add to the convenience of this exceptional property.

To explore this sea-inspired sanctuary, please contact us.

Further information

3 levels
1600 m³
1074 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference 119851005-19802840




This property is proposed by

RE/MAX Immobilien in Lausanne
Avenue Louis-Ruchonnet 57
1003 Lausanne

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