Sarbach Real Estate & Consulting

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3906 Saas-Fee

Hotel in the Saas Valley

Hotel in the Saas Valley, built in 1976, quietly and centrally located, total area 1268m2, 4 floors, 26 rooms with shower or bathtub / toilet, mostly south / west balcony, rustic restaurant with 40 seats, dining room with 45 seats, parlor with 25 seats and Sun terrace with 45 seats. 4.5 room apartment. 3 staff rooms with 1 shower / toilet. Close to mountain railways and ski slopes, breathtaking views.

Further information

Built in 1976
Available from now on
Reference Hotel *** im Saastal


Children friendly
Power supply
Water supply


This property is proposed by

Sarbach Real Estate & Consulting
Obere Maressenstrasse 57
3954 Leukerbad

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