Tissot Immobiliare & Co SA

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Apartment 3.5 rooms

CHF 730'000.-

6833 Vacallo
122 m² • 3.5 rooms


Appartamento di nuova costruzione al 3 ° piano, 3.5 rooms, 122 m2. Complesso residenziale, progettato per soddisfare i criteri di eco-sostenibilità, di risparmio energetico, di qualità architettonica nel rispetto dell'ambiente, del territorio e dell'ecologia del sito. Ogni unità abitativa dildo di ampi terrazzi panoramici che permitono una migliore contemplazione ed integrazione con il paesaggio. The apartment è così composto: soggiorno, sala da pranzo con cucina open space, due camere da letto, due bagni, wc lavanderia, grande terrazza, cantina. 1 posteggio esterno non coperto compreso nel prezzo.

Informazioni supplementari: www.tissot-immobiliare.ch

Neugebaute Wohnung im 3. Stock, 3.5 Zimmer, 122 m2. Wohnkomplex, entworfen, um die Kriterien der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit, Energieeinsparung, architektonische Qualität zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig die Umwelt, das Territorium und die Ökologie des Standortes zu respektieren. Jede Einheit hat große Panoramaterrassen, die eine bessere Kontemplation und Integration mit der Landschaft ermöglichen. Die Wohnung setzt sich wie folgt zusammen: Wohnzimmer, Esszimmer mit offener Küche, zwei Schlafzimmer, zwei Bäder, WC-Waschküche, große Terrasse, Keller. 1 Außenstellplatz nicht überdacht im Preis enthalten.

Mehr Informationen: www.tissot-immobilien.ch

Newly built flat on 3rd floor, 3.5 rooms, 122 m2. Residential complex, designed to meet the criteria of eco-sustainability, energy saving, architectural quality while respecting the environment, the territory and the ecology of the site. Each unit has large panoramic terraces that allow for better contemplation and integration with the landscape. The flat is composed as follows: living room, dining room with open space kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, wc laundry, large terrace, cellar. 1 uncovered outdoor parking space included in the price.

More Information: www.tissot-realestate.ch

Newly built apartment on the 3rd floor, 3.5 rooms, 122 m2. Residential complex, designed to meet the criteria of eco-sustainability, energy saving, architectural quality while respecting the environment, the territory and the ecology of the site. Each unit has large panoramic terraces which allow better contemplation and integration into the landscape. The apartment is composed as follows: living room, dining room with open kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, toilet, laundry room, large terrace, cellar. 1 uncovered outdoor parking space included in the price.

More information: www.tissot-immobilier.ch

Further information

Floor 3
1 level
Built in 2020
Available on request
Reference 6130108Q


Children friendly
New building
Waste water supply
Power supply
Water supply
Pets allowed


Public transport
50m - 1 min
100m - 2 min
Primary schools
50m - 1 min


This property is proposed by

Tissot Immobiliare & Co SA
Via Ferruccio Pelli
6900 Lugano

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