At the gates of Geneva: General medical practice to take over.
The medical practice near Geneva specializes in general medicine, with recognized expertise in the management of type 2 diabetes. Created in 1973, it has a loyal clientele of 2,500 active patients and a total base of 12,000 patients which proves an exceptional location.
The practice generates an average turnover of CHF 545,000, which can reach CHF 610,000 at 100% activity, while the average remuneration of the doctor amounts to CHF 360,000, with a potential of CHF 415,000 under the same conditions.
Selling price: CHF 225,000.-
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The medical practice near Geneva specializes in general medicine, with recognized expertise in the management of type 2 diabetes. Created in 1973, it has a loyal clientele of 2,500 active patients and a total base of 12,000 patients which proves an exceptional location.
The practice generates an average turnover of CHF 545,000, which can reach CHF 610,000 at 100% activity, while the average remuneration of the doctor amounts to CHF 360,000, with a potential of CHF 415,000 under the same conditions.
Selling price: CHF 225,000.-
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