*** All properties and photos on www.remax.ch and www.newhome.ch ***
*** All properties and photos on www.remax.ch and on www.newhome.ch ***
Dieses large Gewerbegebäude von ca. 1300 m² be found in the industrial/gewerbezone zwischen Muzzano and Bioggio, in the area of the Flughafens Lugano, on a large surface with a large parking lot.
Das Gebäude ist derzeit in zwei Teile unterteilt. This item is best suited and designed to fit over a sheet of approx. 880 m². The other part, from the other side, is located in the first Stock Platz for a large restaurant or a cellar (262 m²), where the second Stockwerk Building (250 m²) is located.
The Grundstück verfügt über a large Parkplatz for approx. 80 Fahrzeuge.
The Gegend is located near the Kantonsstrasse in the right direction, especially from the starken Verkehrsaufkommen der Region geschützt.
The price begins at a price of 120 CHF/year per square meter and a longer price will be paid.
*** All properties and photos on www.remax.ch and on www.newhome.ch ***
Dieses large Gewerbegebäude von ca. 1300 m² be found in the industrial/gewerbezone zwischen Muzzano and Bioggio, in the area of the Flughafens Lugano, on a large surface with a large parking lot.
Das Gebäude ist derzeit in zwei Teile unterteilt. This item is best suited and designed to fit over a sheet of approx. 880 m². The other part, from the other side, is located in the first Stock Platz for a large restaurant or a cellar (262 m²), where the second Stockwerk Building (250 m²) is located.
The Grundstück verfügt über a large Parkplatz for approx. 80 Fahrzeuge.
The Gegend is located near the Kantonsstrasse in the right direction, especially from the starken Verkehrsaufkommen der Region geschützt.
The price begins at a price of 120 CHF/year per square meter and a longer price will be paid.